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Branch & Vine Services

(225) 938-1785
Tell us what you want to achieve and we will help develop a solution to get you where you want to go.
You've Bought Land and Want to Make it Useable
From clearing trails or roads to opening up the forest floor to improve the look or create a fire break, we can help you.
You're building a new house
Many of us have had the excitement of buying a lot to build a new home but the lot was so overgrown that we couldn't even walk through it. We can help you prepare the site so that you can see and plan where you want to place your home or other structures for your dream home.
The storm has passed but the debris is overwhelming
In the southeast, we are all familiar with the devastation that hurricanes can bring. If you want the trees brought down by the wind and the stumps removed quickly, call us.
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